Customer Service 101

Whenever our company is dealing with job applicants, I’ve always instructed my department to be customer service friendly towards them. For example, the day an application/resume is received, the applicant gets entered into our Applicant Tracking System. As a result, they are sent a postcard thanking them for applying, acknowledging receipt of their information and […]

Calling All Recruiters

I’m looking to interview a few seasoned recruiters for a piece I’m working on. If this interests you, please use the “Contact Us” page for my e-mail and Twitter information. Thanks!

Error in Judgment

As an experienced and proven recruiter, I’ve often said that some of the best hires I’ve ever made have been people who I went out of my way to recruit, because they weren’t looking for a new job at the time. But that doesn’t mean that someone who directly applied for the position was more […]