The Circle of Life

Is it me…or when the Federal or a State Government extends unemployment benefits…does it just cause people to want to stay at home longer? Allow me to explain…

I realize, in this economy, that a lot of people have lost their jobs through no fault of their own. And I have no problem with them […]

I’ll See You in Court

In Ohio, there are several levels available to claimants during the unemployment process.

Initial Level Appeal Level Unemployment Hearing (usually conducted over the telephone) Appeal to the Commission (they won’t even touch it unless it’s a precedent-setting opportunity) File it into court

In 13 years in HR, I have never seen a former employee file […]

He Said What?

Below is a conversation I had with a former employee a short time ago (back when he was employed).

Him: “That’s fine; I’ll just sit at home and earn unemployment.”

Me: “You can always apply for unemployment. But you will not win considering these circumstances.”

Him: According to the Office of Unemployment Compensation, blah, blah, […]

Calling Unemployment

I won another unemployment hearing last week. Thus, my 12-year streak of not losing a claim or a hearing is still intact.

Anyway, I started thinking about it. This blog was kind of new when I wrote “Beating the Unemployment Maze – Part I” last August. I’d encourage you to read it.

Don’t pay an […]

Beating the Unemployment Maze – Part I

It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of our State when it comes to unemployment insurance. Between state employees (i.e. Job and Family Services) rubber-stamping (approving) unemployment claims, their employee-friendly directives and other high-level orders extending the length of time that you can receive benefits, it’s becoming more difficult for companies to contest claims. […]