Has your company hit the big leagues yet? Have you purchased a Cyber Liability insurance policy?
Ten years ago, I doubt that many companies were worried about hackers breaking into their systems and stealing their information. But nowadays, it seems like an everyday occurrence. Add to this mix the complex issue of trying to be […]
When recruiting, it never ceases to amaze me how job applicants will lie right to my face. Here’s a recent example… After we make a conditional offer of employment, we have applicants take a pre-employment drug screen and we conduct a pre-employment criminal background check and a pre-employment motor vehicle record (MVR) check – with […]
The-below story was obtained from SHRM’s web site, and was written by their manager of workplace law content. “The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Office of Homeland Security Investigations announced Sept. 28, 2010, that a settlement for more than $1.04 million had been reached with Abercrombie & Fitch for violations of the Immigration and […]
Believe it or not, there are a lot of companies out there that have HR people, but don’t use them. For example, I often hear stories about companies who have Operations, not HR, handle the employee complaint process.
Here’s a recent example that I encountered. An HR friend was interviewing for a job and called […]
I took this picture in Avon, OH, at the City Centre of Avon. It is a new development where a Marc’s store just opened.
As we sometimes see, there are union picketers on the public sidewalk protesting near the entrance to Marc’s. Their signs say “Don’t Shop Here” and “Anti-Union Marc’s.”
But what […]
It’s always interesting when companies make decisions that we all know will come back to haunt them. Below is a great example. This story was shared with me about a local company.
There was a male department head who was assigned to a cross-functional team with a female department head from a different division. They […]
Does your company have a blogging policy? If you don’t, it’s long overdue. HR Morning had a great article on this today as a matter of fact. You can read it here.
Anyway, in the modern era where employees use Facebook, My Space, Twitter and personal blogs frequently, it would be strongly advisable to have […]
I was in Washington, DC most of last week for SHRM’s Employment Law & Legislative Conference. As a part of the conference, you can sign up to go to Capital Hill to meet with and lobby your legislators.
But here’s something strange. It was amazing to me how many of the conference attendees were complaining […]
In Ohio, there are several levels available to claimants during the unemployment process.
Initial Level Appeal Level Unemployment Hearing (usually conducted over the telephone) Appeal to the Commission (they won’t even touch it unless it’s a precedent-setting opportunity) File it into court
In 13 years in HR, I have never seen a former employee file […]
Did you see the story on TV about Nathaniel Brown, or did you read it in the newspaper? He was the janitor from Ohio State who shot and killed his supervisor, injured another man and then killed himself – all over a “bad job evaluation.” You can read the Associated Press’ article here.
Workplace violence […]