HR Nightmare

If you ever travel to Oregon, you might want to stay at the Markum Inn. Then again, you might not… The owners of the Inn, Ward and Julie Frederick, have been served with in a federal harassment lawsuit by a former employee.

The former waitress, Jessica Webber, claims that the Wards “created a hostile workplace” […]

Are You Involved?

Believe it or not, there are a lot of companies out there that have HR people, but don’t use them. For example, I often hear stories about companies who have Operations, not HR, handle the employee complaint process.

Here’s a recent example that I encountered. An HR friend was interviewing for a job and called […]

Sue Happy

Do attorneys ever take a “sue first, ask questions later” approach? I know that some do. But I’d like to believe that it only happens in certain fields of practice – like ambulance-chasing accident attorneys.

But the “sue first, ask questions later” situation is exactly what a District Judge is accusing attorneys from the EEOC […]

He Said What?

Below is a conversation I had with a former employee a short time ago (back when he was employed).

Him: “That’s fine; I’ll just sit at home and earn unemployment.”

Me: “You can always apply for unemployment. But you will not win considering these circumstances.”

Him: According to the Office of Unemployment Compensation, blah, blah, […]

The Defense Attorney

I don’t know how it is in other states, but it’s always entertaining to attend an Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation hearing at the Industrial Commission.

You’ve never seen so many neck braces, wheelchairs and crutches in your life… But the sad thing is that if the work-related injury was truly legitimate, it should never […]


Have you heard of GINA? If not, read up…

GINA is the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008. The law went into effect on November 21, 2009.

Progressive Business Compliance posted this update today:

“On May 21, 2008, Former President George W. Bush signed the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) of 2008 into law. GINA […]

Facebook Photos

Is Facebook your friend? Can Facebook cause you a problem? Can employers use Facebook during an investigation?

I think the answers to all three are yes, although in my mind, the latter can be very dangerous.

Check out this blog post that Porter Wright published through their Employer Law Report. They discuss a situation where […]

How to Not Get Fired

MSN Careers featured a very interesting article today. It was called “10 Things That Will Get You Fired.”

Kate Lorenz, Editor, was the author. You can view her blog here.

And you can view the list of 10 things here. To be honest, I think I’ve fired somebody at least once for every single […]

Beating the Unemployment Maze – Part I

It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of our State when it comes to unemployment insurance. Between state employees (i.e. Job and Family Services) rubber-stamping (approving) unemployment claims, their employee-friendly directives and other high-level orders extending the length of time that you can receive benefits, it’s becoming more difficult for companies to contest claims. […]

Calling All Experts

Whether you’re an attorney, insurance broker, recruiter, industry expert or a consultant, we want you!

Now that HR Whiz is fully operational, we are looking for individuals/companies/organizations to submit Guest Posts on topics our HR readers would like to know about.

The guidelines: It needs to be single-spaced, in Microsoft Word (Times New Roman – […]