Political Hogwash

Here’s an example of a political situation where I disagree with how both sides have handled it. This weekend, President Obama indicated that he was going to fill several top federal jobs through 15 recess appointments (vacancies that can be filled without the Senate’s confirmation when the “legislative body is in recess”). You can read […]


I was in Washington, DC most of last week for SHRM’s Employment Law & Legislative Conference. As a part of the conference, you can sign up to go to Capital Hill to meet with and lobby your legislators.

But here’s something strange. It was amazing to me how many of the conference attendees were complaining […]

I’ll See You in Court

In Ohio, there are several levels available to claimants during the unemployment process.

Initial Level Appeal Level Unemployment Hearing (usually conducted over the telephone) Appeal to the Commission (they won’t even touch it unless it’s a precedent-setting opportunity) File it into court

In 13 years in HR, I have never seen a former employee file […]

The Health Care Debate

Every morning at work, I have the same routine. I turn on my computer and go to SHRM’s web site to see what the news of the day is. Below was one of today’s lead-in stories:

“After nearly three months of behind-the-scenes maneuvers, a bipartisan summit and numerous speeches, the final vote by Congress on […]

Rookie Mistake

Did you see the story on TV about Nathaniel Brown, or did you read it in the newspaper? He was the janitor from Ohio State who shot and killed his supervisor, injured another man and then killed himself – all over a “bad job evaluation.” You can read the Associated Press’ article here.

Workplace violence […]

Today vs. Yesterday

Ten years ago, it used to be the running joke in HR – if your facility got unionized, you were a terrible HR person who deserved to be fired for not doing your job.

But today there is no rhyme or reason. Some facilities have union campaigns occur and some do not. That’s the scary […]

Interviewing Advice

I came across an interesting article at HR Morning which was called “the death of etiquette in interviews.” The article discussed things such as applicants using profanity or talking on a cell phone during their interviews, or those that brought their kids to interviews.

Even though it was an aged post, it was fascinating nonetheless. […]

Point of No Return

“The Defense Attorney” was a post I used in part to complain about the ridiculous BWC hearing process in our state. But at the time, I forgot to mention one important thing… So I decided to present that in Q&A form.

Q: How do you know when a BWC claim is past the point of […]